Batura Sar or Batura 1 is the 27th highest mountain in the world. This is also known as Batura 1 East. Batura Valley is famous for its majestic Landscape outdoor activities. Summers are nice and pleasant here. In 1959 an Anglo German expedition consisting of 5 team members died in an attempt to summit Batura Sar unfortunately.
Batura Sar or Batura 1 is the 27th highest mountain in the world. This is also known as Batura 1 East. Batura Valley is famous for its majestic Landscape outdoor activities. Summers are nice and pleasant here. In 1959 an Anglo German expedition consisting of 5 team members died in an attempt to summit Batura Sar unfortunately. Later in 1976, two alpinists named Hubert Bleicher and Herbert Oberhofer from Germnay summited this mountain. In 1983, an Austrian expedition summited Batura from Muchuhar Valley. A Polish German expedition made their way to the top of Batura in 1988. Unfortunately three Japanese died in an Avalanche accident. Batura has total 6 summits which forms the Batura Wall. The Batura Wall is around 10 km long and has a ridge over 7000 meters. The Crest Extends to 35 kms and all the peaks have been given different names follows • Ultra Sar (7388m) • Shispare (7610m) • Muchu Chhish (7453m) • Batura 2 (7762m) • Hachindar Chhish ( 7163m) • Kuk Sar II (6943m) The climbing activities have been limited there. In 1954 Matthias Rebitsch was recorded in being ice fall area. Three British and two German climbers met an avalanche accident in 1959. In 1976, the very first successful attempt was made by Goppingen Karakoram Himalayan Expedition guided by Dr. Alexander Schlee. They climbed from Eastren Baltar Glacier. Around 6 more attempts were made to Batura but they all failed.
Batura is the fourth longest Glacier in Karakoram range with the length of 56 kms. There are 14 peaks higher than 7000 meters present at the Trek. This non polar glacier lies in Baura Valley Passu. The landscape here has just incredible and there are wild alpine flowers spread all around making it more beautiful. Wakhi people life style can be witnessed during trekking. The North face of Battura Maasif from fatimahil there.
Batura is the fourth longest Glacier in Karakoram range with the length of 56 kms. There are 14 peaks higher than 7000 meters present at the Trek. This non polar glacier lies in Baura Valley Passu. The landscape here has just incredible and there are wild alpine flowers spread all around making it more beautiful. Wakhi people life style can be witnessed during trekking. The North face of Battura Maasif from fatimahil there.