Climbing K2 is considered the top mountaineering expedition in whole world. “K" stands for Karakoram range and “2” means the second peak listed. K2 is located near the Baltoro Glacier in the extreme north of Gilgit Baltistan. The boundary between two countries crosses K2. To reach the base camp of K2 one has to cross action packed and riveting hazards. George Bell a famous American climber named it as “Savage Mountain” in 1953 and declared that “K2 is a savage Mountain that tries to kill you”. It is alternatively called as “The King of Mountains” and “The Mountaineers Mountain”.
Climbing K2 is considered the top mountaineering expedition in whole world. “K" stands for Karakoram range and “2” means the second peak listed. K2 is located near the Baltoro Glacier in the extreme north of Gilgit Baltistan. The boundary between two countries crosses K2. To reach the base camp of K2 one has to cross action packed and riveting hazards. George Bell a famous American climber named it as “Savage Mountain” in 1953 and declared that “K2 is a savage Mountain that tries to kill you”. It is alternatively called as “The King of Mountains” and “The Mountaineers Mountain”. K2 has never been climbed from its eastern face. Around 400 people have been successful in climbing K2 and there have around 85 deaths while climbing. There are number of routes to K2, they all share key difficulties, the first is extremely high altitude and lack of oxygen, extreme storms of several days duration resulting in several deaths, and lastly steep and exposed nature of routes. The standard route used is Abruzzi Spur which is used by 75 percent of the climbers. There are series of rocks, snow and ice, black pyramids and bottlenecks. The opposite route is North Ridge but it is rarely climbed.